Declaration Project

Earth Charter (also referred to as a Declaration of Interdependence), 2000

Editor’s Note: The Earth Charter Initiative  was issued on June 29, 2000. Here is how those who spearheaded the initiative described their charter, also referred to as a Declaration of Interdependence: “The Earth Charter is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross-cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values…  The drafting of the Earth Charter […]

Spacekind Declaration of Independence (1986)

Editor’s Note: This declaration of independence and principles for ‘spacekind’ was crafted in 1986  by George S. Robinson  — described in Space Enterprise, a book to which he contributed, as “an Attorney at Law, currently in commercial/space law practice and “a member of several professional and governmental advisory committees promoting space commerce”, and “a prolific writer […]

The Black Declaration of Independence (1970)

Editor’s Note: Though in some respects an adaptation of our July 4, 1776 Declaration, this time the tyrant is not King George but the endemic system of oppression and segregation that prevented Black Americans from being part of “all men are created equal.” The public proclamation issued by the National Committee of Black Churchmen on […]

Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959)

Editor’s Note: Approved by all 78 member states of the United Nations, this declaration is a first in the formal global agreement on children’s rights and the principles on which they are based. This declaration is a follow-on to the unprecedented 1924 declaration by the League of Nations (see image) endowing children the world over with […]

African National Congress Freedom Charter (1955)

Editor’s Note:  On June 26, 1955, in Kliptown, South Africa, a ‘people’s congress,’ with several thousand attending, adopted this Charter — effectively a declaration (and it says so in the opening sentence) that calls for a non-racial democratic nation in which human rights, labor rights land reform are a centerpiece. While the ruling white South […]

Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776)

Editor’s Note: Take a careful gander at the Virginia Declaration of Rights, crafted by American patriot George Mason and adapted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention on June 12, 1776, and you’ll see readily how deeply it influenced Jefferson’s opening paragraphs in his draft of the Declaration of Independence, not to mention our Constitution’s Bill of […]

English Bill of Rights of 1689

Editor’s Note: From grievances such ‘taxation without representation,’ having a standing army in a time of peace, and other usurpations of power by king and parliament, to enumerated rights like freedom of speech and the right to be governed only with the people’s consent, Our  Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 was clearly influenced by the English Bill of […]

Second Vermont Republic (2012)

Editor’s note: The mission statement of the Second Vermont Republic, “a nonviolent citizens’ network and think tank,” contains a declaration of purpose, principle, and intent, and seeks to return Vermont to its erstwhile status as an independent republic. Second Vermont Republic Mission Statement The Second Vermont Republic is a nonviolent citizens’ network and think tank committed […]