Declaration Project

A Declaration of Liberty and Order

MyDeclaration The primary responsibility of a government is to provide for the common defense, maintain social order, promote liberty, provide for the equal treatment and protection under the law, and to ensure economic and social opportunity for its citizens. These rights extend to all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, or […]

Everywhere in the World

MyDeclaration My name is Stewart Harris, and I declare that I can never hope to say anything about freedom as profound as what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said in his State of the Union Message of 1941: “In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four […]

Declaration of Passion for Making Our World Communicate Better.

MyDeclaration   Haiku: Better Communication. Wanting to be heard, We try to plan our answers. Instead, please listen!   What could the world be if a majority of people wanted to communicate with and understand each other?  If we were able to feel heard while listening to what others are trying to tell us? That […]

Declaration for Gender Freedom

MyDeclaration Gender is the water we swim in every day. Gender is so integrated into our cultures and our social systems, it’s easy to forget (or miss) that it is a concept invented by people. Personally, I didn’t understand the difference between sex and gender until I was in my 20’s. Looking back, it seems […]

A Declaration for Making Democracy More Representative

MyDeclaration In the 2012 general election, Republicans running for Congress lost the popular vote by 1.4 million ballots; in the same election, they won control of the House of Representatives by a margin of 234 to 201. This disparity is due to an undemocratic process of rigging electoral districts known as gerrymandering. Gerrymandering, named for […]

Declaration for Food Independence

MyDeclaration The history of food production and distribution in the U.S. is one that is arguably the single most threatening national security issue to the U.S. The incredible amounts of hormones, pesticides, chemical fertilizers as well as the inhumane and unsanitary practices used by agro businesses are putting our population and environment at a high […]

A Declaration for Gender Equality in Pay

MyDeclaration Women are nearly 50 percent of the workforce in the U.S., but our work places are far from equal. Studies like those from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) show that a gender pay gap exists even with an apples-to-apples comparison. After controlling for factors known to affect earnings, such as education, parenthood, […]

A Declaration for Childkind

MyDeclaration In our founding era, our nation’s youth often were front and center in the Revolutionary war effort. They even put themselves in harm’s way to enlist and serve as soldiers, most often, as drummers in the thick of battle, helping convey critical signals to American troops that could prove decisive. Yet our youngest are rarely part of […]